Seeking some suggestions for Costa Rica

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No to Tortuguero in one day. Yes, you could see it all, but for me the cost:benefit just doesn't work out. By cost I mean the time to get there and back - only access is by water or air. You could look into flying in, but I would recommend using the water route at least one way. I know some photographers hire a guide and give them a list of target birds and rush from one likely place to the next. It sounds like this is not your goal. If you want to truly experience the Pura Vida lifestyle I encourage you to assume you'll return to CR, and just focus on maybe two places.
No to Tortuguero in one day. Yes, you could see it all, but for me the cost:benefit just doesn't work out. By cost I mean the time to get there and back - only access is by water or air. You could look into flying in, but I would recommend using the water route at least one way. I know some photographers hire a guide and give them a list of target birds and rush from one likely place to the next. It sounds like this is not your goal. If you want to truly experience the Pura Vida lifestyle I encourage you to assume you'll return to CR, and just focus on maybe two places.
Thank you