Selling my Nikon 180-400

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Supporting Member

I want to sell my 180-400 lens.

First looking to see if a camera dealer will give a reasonable offer. I know this is less than I could get if I sold it myself, but selling on line takes time, has expenses associated with it (PayPal fees, shipping), and risks. Which sites/stores should I investigate. So far I have

UPP (Robert's)

Other suggestions?
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I've had good luck with KEH, especially with their 10% bonus credit if you buy something else with the sale funds. Less cash than direct private sale, but you knew that. If you don't like their condition assessment, they'll send the lens back with no shipping charge. Very efficient process.

Did a sale to Adorama on one lens, it was a chaotic process...worked out in the end, but the mechanics took 2 months. Not a well-oiled machine, in my experience.
I think KEH or MPB. Both will give an insant online quote (which is not confirmed until they receive the item and agree that the condition is as you stated). I agree it is far easier than trying to sell direct, which brings many headaches, not the least of which is what if the person wants to return it? (Even if you say no returns, if they want to it will still cause headaches and in worst case a file through small claims court).
there are no good camera stores in chicago (I am surprised by this, but the good ones went of out business)
Hi Rich - you could try ProCam in Aurora... I haven't done buy/sell of used equipment with them though, so don't know how'd they do there. It's where I did rental try-to-buy for my 400mm f/4.5 and that worked out nicely. It is kind of a trek from Chicago proper though... Cheers!
I think KEH or MPB. Both will give an insant online quote (which is not confirmed until they receive the item and agree that the condition is as you stated). I agree it is far easier than trying to sell direct, which brings many headaches, not the least of which is what if the person wants to return it? (Even if you say no returns, if they want to it will still cause headaches and in worst case a file through small claims court).
KEH is not interested in 180-400. Says there is lack of demand (not surprised)
Hi Rich - you could try ProCam in Aurora... I haven't done buy/sell of used equipment with them though, so don't know how'd they do there. It's where I did rental try-to-buy for my 400mm f/4.5 and that worked out nicely. It is kind of a trek from Chicago proper though... Cheers!
I live in Wilmette, so the trek is an equally bad nightmare until road repairs are done - I think in 2037
I think the Craigslist/Facebook route is worth a try at least. There are difficulties involved, but I require a phone number for a reply from me to the add, and I call and have a conversation before going further. This eliminates the spammers for the most part. It's worked for me.
If you upgrade your membership on this site for twenty bucks, you can list it for sale here. Since forum members are overwhelmingly Nikon users, it might work out. (I think someone else sold that lens not too long ago).
I'd do all of the above for direct sale. This site, FM, Craigslist, and FB marketplace. The biggest challenge with FM is that if you don't have a history of selling w/positive feedback it may be hard to sell a high value item like the 180-400. For Craigslist/FB I only sell face/face and only meet people in a public location.