Short-eared Owl hunting after sunset

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I was lucky to watch this Short-eared Owl hunting just after sunset.

Fuji X-H2S, 200/2 + 1,4x TC, F 2,8, 1/2000, ISO 400, but I have lifted (mostly) the shadows 2-3 steps in post so ISO is more like 1600-3200.

Jorduggla 2023-07-14 Kråk dns (11).JPG
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Jorduggla 2023-07-14 Kråk dns (3).JPG
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Jorduggla 2023-07-14 Kråk dns (6).JPG
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Thank you for the nice words! I live in Southern Sweden. I took these shots at a military firing range 15 minutes by car from my home. Do you have this owl in Arizona?
I believe we do but around my house we have Great Horned and also in the dessert we have burrowing owls. I am hoping to go photograph those using Auto Capture when it cools down in September.
Nice set, and them being taken on a military firing range reminded me of when I was on the firing range @ Fort Hood, Tx. The land was leased to the military by ranchers and their cattle would mosey onto the live firing ranges at times before we started firing and I had to jump in the jeep and chase them away to a safe place. At the time I was curious to know if a 105 mm heat round would cook a perfect steak. Exciting times. :D
Nice set, and them being taken on a military firing range reminded me of when I was on the firing range @ Fort Hood, Tx. The land was leased to the military by ranchers and their cattle would mosey onto the live firing ranges at times before we started firing and I had to jump in the jeep and chase them away to a safe place. At the time I was curious to know if a 105 mm heat round would cook a perfect steak. Exciting times. :D

Thank you very much!

Ha-ha! No cattle on this firing range, but I often se moose, deer, rabbits and foxes. And different birds of prey hunting and a lot of other birds. Do they like the firing?