should I consider the z 100-400

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Anyome have links to tests indicating that the 180-600 is better than the 100-400 @400mm? I am sceptical of this, as copies of the 100-400 I have seen are sharper with better contrast than the 186. Thanks
I think Steve did a detailed comparison test at one point. I don't recall the details but I think he did conclude the 186 was sharper in a lot of areas.
Anyome have links to tests indicating that the 180-600 is better than the 100-400 @400mm? I am sceptical of this, as copies of the 100-400 I have seen are sharper with better contrast than the 186. Thanks
@Steve did a review. Also if you do a search on YouTube you'll find multiple reviews with similar opinions. They're all practical eyeball tests rather than truly technical analysis. I don't think DxO tested them. Haven't looked for other lab test results.