Some Breeding Egret Photos

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Been struggling with post lately so I'll post something I did a little bit ago...

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Gordon, I think these photos are beautiful. You have nicely captured one gorgeous egret. I’m not sure what you think is wrong (been in that position too) but I have 2 suggestions for all 4 photos. First, you might bring down the highlights in the egret. The highlights don’t look clipped so you will be able to bring out the details a bit. Second is the background. Perhaps darkening the background and adding some blur will make it look less noticeable. Three of the photos have that unfortunate branch in the foreground. I don’t mind the branch - the real world is never perfect! Given my skills with cloning I would not even attempt to clone that branch out. I would imagine it would very difficult to clone out given the beautiful detail in the feathers. They are wonderful photos!
Gordon, I think these photos are beautiful. You have nicely captured one gorgeous egret. I’m not sure what you think is wrong (been in that position too) but I have 2 suggestions for all 4 photos. First, you might bring down the highlights in the egret. The highlights don’t look clipped so you will be able to bring out the details a bit. Second is the background. Perhaps darkening the background and adding some blur will make it look less noticeable. Three of the photos have that unfortunate branch in the foreground. I don’t mind the branch - the real world is never perfect! Given my skills with cloning I would not even attempt to clone that branch out. I would imagine it would very difficult to clone out given the beautiful detail in the feathers. They are wonderful photos!
I did these many years ago,, so I would agree with what you are saying... every time I look at them I think they are a little too bright (the egrets)