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Saw some hummingbirds feeding on the crabapple blossoms up a bit too high to approach so I threw the 1.4x TC on my 500mm PF to see if I could capture some images when this male Evening Grosbeak dropped in apparently wondering what I was up to. Almost too much lens to capture the image until he turned straight towards me to give me this look.

View attachment 40328
Wonderful, love it!!
Mix of Bluebirds and house Wren

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These are Golden-headed Cisticolas, an extroverted acrobatic little guy that perches high on bushes, often doing the 'splits'.

Golden-headed Cisticola (4) 2048.jpg
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Golden-headed Cisticola (11) 2048.jpg
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Golden-headed Cisticola 2048.jpg
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Lowry State Park, Fort Collins CO
Bullock's Oriole
220606 Lowry Bullock's Oriole ON1200 SQUARE DSC_7340.jpg
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Bullock's Oriole
220606 Lowry Bullock's Oriole ON1200 DSC_7348.jpg
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Bullock's Oriole
220606 Lowry Bullock's Oriole ON1200 DSC_7388.jpg
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Yellow Breasted Chat
220606 Lowry Yellow Breasted Chat ON1200DSC_7342.jpg
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Meadow Lark
220606 Lowry Meadow Lark ON1200 DSC_7578.jpg
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Came across this Yellow Warbler hopping about in some bushes, got a few clear shots but I liked this image where there was a peekaboo hole giving me a clear line of sight but with lots of foreground foliage that blurred into a nice shade of green.

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