Sometimes it is not all about the sharpness and lack of noise

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I have several single subject photos of beautiful, colorful birds on a perch-Green Jay, Cardinal, Great Kiskadee, etc. They are technically undemanding shots. I have a boatload of roughly equivalent images.

I also have a technically difficult shot of two juvenile Redwing Blackbirds arguing in the air over a perch. The shot is technically as perfect as my ability can get-sharp, eye in focus, proper exposure, everything. It took me half a day using ProCapture (pre-capture) to get this ONE image. The only problem is that juvenile Redwing Blackbirds are not colorful. Yes, the wings of both birds are spread perfectly, and my shutter speed was good enough to freeze the wings. Great shot technically. Just not pretty

Which to people like better? Kinda a tie between the Kiskadee and the Green Jay with a Western Bluebird not far behind. The two birds in flight aren't noticed.

Beauty wins every time,

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So much wisdom in what your saying, a good goal for 2024.

In finance the head should rule, in love the heart should what you do is the key.

There are those of us that make photo's and those that make record shots, neither is right or wrong, its what makes you happy that counts.

I believe a artistic approach is more sustainably enjoyable in the long term than a clinical deadly sharp technically perfectly accurate shot.

A good photographer can use any tool anywhere any time to make the photo connect with the viewer and evoke a pleasing emotion of some sort.

Pleasing your self first second and third is all that matters.

Only an opinion
I have several single subject photos of beautiful, colorful birds on a perch-Green Jay, Cardinal, Great Kiskadee, etc. They are technically undemanding shots. I have a boatload of roughly equivalent images.

I also have a technically difficult shot of two juvenile Redwing Blackbirds arguing in the air over a perch. The shot is technically as perfect as my ability can get-sharp, eye in focus, proper exposure, everything. It took me half a day using ProCapture (pre-capture) to get this ONE image. The only problem is that juvenile Redwing Blackbirds are not colorful. Yes, the wings of both birds are spread perfectly, and my shutter speed was good enough to freeze the wings. Great shot technically. Just not pretty

Which to people like better? Kinda a tie between the Kiskadee and the Green Jay with a Western Bluebird not far behind. The two birds in flight aren't noticed.

Beauty wins every time,

TomView attachment 76612View attachment 76613View attachment 76614
I think all of these photos have their own unique charm. I'd be happy with any of them in my portfolio.
I have several single subject photos of beautiful, colorful birds on a perch-Green Jay, Cardinal, Great Kiskadee, etc. They are technically undemanding shots. I have a boatload of roughly equivalent images.

I also have a technically difficult shot of two juvenile Redwing Blackbirds arguing in the air over a perch. The shot is technically as perfect as my ability can get-sharp, eye in focus, proper exposure, everything. It took me half a day using ProCapture (pre-capture) to get this ONE image. The only problem is that juvenile Redwing Blackbirds are not colorful. Yes, the wings of both birds are spread perfectly, and my shutter speed was good enough to freeze the wings. Great shot technically. Just not pretty

Which to people like better? Kinda a tie between the Kiskadee and the Green Jay with a Western Bluebird not far behind. The two birds in flight aren't noticed.

Beauty wins every time,

TomView attachment 76612View attachment 76613View attachment 76614
Very enjoyable, for me perfect to hang on any wall, the colours are just lovely and the backgrounds are excellent.

Only an opinion