Sony 300mm f2.8 V Sony 200-600mm

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As requested...:)

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For anyone else with a new 300 f2.8, I can heartily recommend Karl Zemlin's lens cap if you prefer to lose the silly hood cover Sony provides.
Mine arrived today and is a beautifully engineered addition to my kit. (I've used Karl before so was not surprised).
Looking forward to receiving my hood now!
As requested...:)
Great shots.I think my bank balance is going to go down very soon :cool: .Recently during our visit to Bhutan my wife took same great bird shots with her Z9 & 400 f 4.5 lens which turned out to real great 'small in the frame' shots(I was using A1 with 200-600).
I think A1 & 300 f 2.8 with 1.4 TC would also be gerat combo for such shots & with 2 TC would be great for normal bird photography.
From the kayak yesterday (except the kestrel and hummer)....arms were thanking me as I used to use the 400GM or 600GM in the kayak :)

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