I have talked to a few people I have befriended over the years that have bought the A9iii and have returned it. Two members on here have returned them. I want to get a body with pre capture and now there will be two available once the A1ii becomes available. I am wondering why a lot of folks aren't keeping the A9iii? Is it merely resolution, or other issues with the global sensor? 24MP can obviously be used for wildlife and I have did it in the past with a few bodies. It looks like with a good deal, I can get at least $1K off the asking price of the A9iii. I would assume any deals on the new A1 will be some time off in the future. If anyone has any insight as to what made you decide not to keep the A9, then please express your opinions/shortcomings to help folks like me make a wise decision on a body that has pre capture, thanks.