Wow! One second earlier = not so good. One second later = not so good. This is THE "Goldilocks" shot! Thanks for sharing this image!
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WOW!View attachment 8630
Taken from the sea wall protecting Ballintoy harbour on a windy May afternoon. The harbour was used for one of the scenes (Lordsport, the main port of Pyke) in Game of Thrones and is positioned just along the north coast from the infamous Giant's Causeway. Taken with D750 and 24-85mm @68mm, f4.5 1/400 Sec.,ISO 125. Handheld.
Thanks Dennis, glad you enjoyed it .That is a very nice image for sure !!
Thanks jer , yes photography is a precise benchmark in time --- and sometimes you are luckier than others when you decide to pull the trigger ! Appreciate the comments.Wow! One second earlier = not so good. One second later = not so good. This is THE "Goldilocks" shot! Thanks for sharing this image!
Thanks Callie, I can think of a few acquaintances who are also "stormy and moody" too.Stormy 'n moody, this is a goodie, David!
Thanks Viathelens --- yes seascapes are definitely a " love/hate" experience --- difficult to guarantee a keeper !A very nice seascape. I find them hard to photograph but you have done a very good job of it.
Thanks Flyby and apologies for taking so long to acknowledge your kind comment --- out trying to get some new material !WOW!