Strange single (so far) occurence.

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Photographing Yellow Rumped Warblers with Z9, 600PF combo. Quicky turned to an approaching Red Winged Blackbird only to find the Warbler composition still in the viewfinder. Tried to focus on the Blackbird but, nothing changed. Turned the camera off and on and all is well. Took another 354 shots with no problems. What surprised me was the resulting image!

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Photographing Yellow Rumped Warblers with Z9, 600PF combo. Quicky turned to an approaching Red Winged Blackbird only to find the Warbler composition still in the viewfinder. Tried to focus on the Blackbird but, nothing changed. Turned the camera off and on and all is well. Took another 354 shots with no problems. What surprised me was the resulting image!
Yup, it sounds like a card write related lockup. I've had one or two of those with my Z9 and Z8. Not sure if it's a card issue or a camera issue but turning the camera off, momentary pulling the battery and turning it back on has always resolved it. If it keeps happening I'd try doing a full format on the card or trying a different memory card and if it still keeps happening I'd suspect the camera itself.