Subject detection

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To be honest with you, I don’t switch. I’m normally in bird detection and I used to switch to animal as needed, primarily small mammals. I used the I Menu to swap. I’ve found the if I stay on animal detection for both, that my hit rate on birds goes down. But if I was to stay in bird detection, it does a pretty good job on animals such as rabbits and squirrels. It snaps right in on the eye. Now, this may not work with other animals, but I’m pretty happy with it. YMMV.
I agree, I haven’t had the chance to do big mammals since bird detection came out but I have the option to switch in my “I” menu. I wish the banks could be set up to do this.
Interesting ideas. I have a button set to turn off subject detection only. So far I haven’t had iss with animals vs birds but. That could change when I get to other areas.