Sunset with the 800pf

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Supporting Member
I happen to like it!
I'm not sure about the composition. More sky vs. more trees
I did not warm up the WB. I just saw it like that.

What's your opinion?

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Compositionally, somewhere between #1 and 2. Maybe a 16x9 crop of #2 cropping off the bottom? Or a 16x9 crop of #1 cropping off some of the sky?
(y) 16x9 (or wider) crop, you could try 16x10, or a favorite of mine for some things is 21:9 (or 2.35:1). This is a cinematic widescreen aspect ratio.

1/3 trees, 2/3 sky. (starting point)

Don't shoot me - but what does it look like in B&W - or with heavily desaturated color? Just curious. :cool:

Also, I like the first shot better - more interesting clouds.
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16:9 is a good idea
I’m going to post the NEF’s later, free free to use them. I’m curious what other talented brains could do.