Tasmanian Orchids 211020 - 251020

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A well known member 🇦🇺 📷
Supporting Member
These are some of the Tasmanian orchids that were in flower over the last week.

Lizard Orchid (Burnettia cuneata), plant 50 - 130mm tall , flower 25mm across.
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Black-tipped Spider Orchid (Caladenia antracina) plant 100 - 200mm tall, flower 45 - 65mm across
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Eastern Wallflower Diuris (Diuris orientis) plant 150 - 450m tall, flower 50mm across
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Leafy Greenhood, (Pterostylis cucullata, 80 - 150mm tall, flowers 35 - 50mm tall.
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Tunbridge Leek Orchid (Prasophyllum tunbridgense) plant 300 - 450mm tall, flowers 16 - 20mm across
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Tiny Sun Orchid (Thelymitra carnea) 200 - 300mm tall, flower 8 - 15mm across.
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@soundbyte. Watching Gardening Australia last they had a segment on wild orchids and people who collect data on them. About an app for your phone where you take photos and record information on location, etc.. All web based so you can also use your DSLR and PC. Thought of you immediately. If this website isn't already in your bookmarks, might pay to have a look.

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@soundbyte. Watching Gardening Australia last they had a segment on wild orchids and people who collect data on them. About an app for your phone where you take photos and record information on location, etc.. All web based so you can also use your DSLR and PC. Thought of you immediately. If this website isn't already in your bookmarks, might pay to have a look.

Too busy with the local orchids, finding new locations, photographing etc and doing surveys for Threatened Plants Tasmania for something extra, thanks for the information though.
One survey coming up next weekend for Prasophyllum milfordense, only found at one site in the world, early indications possibly may mean a bumper year
This property also has Caladenia saggicola which is only found in any numbers at this one site.
Photos at least a week after the survey otherwise the landowner will be inundated with trespassers looking to take photos etc, making all sorts of excuses for being on private property without permission.