TEST - using an older AF-S G lens with AF-S TCs on the Z9

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Supporting Member
I happen to own both the Stubby AF-S 200mm f/2.0 G VRII ED, all 3 TCs and a Z9 -

In response to a question I performed a simple test - NO TC, 1.4TC, 1.7TC, 2.0TC. The first 3 shots were taken at 3.9m and the final one (with the 2 times TC) at 4.47m to ensure the test target was in the frame.

All shots were taken at f/4.0, ISO 160 and at 1/1000th (NO TC, with TC14 and with TC 17) or 1/1600th (the TC20 the sun came out BRIEFLY)

All images were converted from RAW to DNG using DxO Pure RAW 2 and then output using LRC after AutoTone applied - 2 version of each image - one as shot and one straightened. No other sharpening or NR was applied.

Yes the AF is fast and accurate with and with out any of the TCs. Many folk are reporting their F-mount glass works even better on the Z9 than on DSLRs (including the D5/D6/D850)

Please go to the album I placed on flickr to see the results.

It started to rain heavily so the results are what they are - I might choose repeat the test in a more controlled manner should the sun come out and the Hungarian GP or Lionesses not be playing.
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