The Eagle and The Bass...

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You wait a long time and hope or wish someday that the eagle you’ve been watching over the past few months will provide you with some special moments, earlier this week I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

I knew that there were a couple of eagles off to my left far up in a fir tree but didn’t think much about it since they hadn’t moved for the past hour. I wasn’t paying much attention to them and turned my attention to shooting some incoming Wood Ducks and a GBH that was hunting off to my right. And before I knew it coming straight at me low over the water came this adult eagle with a fish in its talons. It was about 100 yards out and headed for a perch where it landed and consumed its catch. After finishing its feeding, it flew down and landed on a half-submerged log where again it provided some nice opportunities to get a few more shots.

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Outstanding images. Congratulations
You wait a long time and hope or wish someday that the eagle you’ve been watching over the past few months will provide you with some special moments, earlier this week I just happened to be at the right place at the right time.

I knew that there were a couple of eagles off to my left far up in a fir tree but didn’t think much about it since they hadn’t moved for the past hour. I wasn’t paying much attention to them and turned my attention to shooting some incoming Wood Ducks and a GBH that was hunting off to my right. And before I knew it coming straight at me low over the water came this adult eagle with a fish in its talons. It was about 100 yards out and headed for a perch where it landed and consumed its catch. After finishing its feeding, it flew down and landed on a half-submerged log where again it provided some nice opportunities to get a few more shots.

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Just amazing images!!!