The Jewel of Konkan (West coast of India)

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Beautiful. What a huge beak on a tiny bird.
Exactly..Its such a tiny bird and I couldn't believe it could actually hunt down and fly with skinks and lizards that were so big! These birds are so smart that the naturalist was saying the type of kill really varies depending on how big the chicks are..These chicks were big and hungry so the morning feeds comprised of big lizards and the day progressed, it used to bring smaller kills like spiders, crabs, crickets etc.
Oriental Dwarf Kingfisher - This bird is so tiny, just about the size of a hummingbird or perhaps a tad bigger but it had 4 hungry chicks to feed. It was working tirelessly throughout the day to keep feeding its chicks with a well rounded diet including lizards, skinks, spiders, crabs and crickets.

GBZ_8567 by Ganesh Balakrishnan, on Flickr
Very cool looking shot Gandesh! The prey is almost as big as the predator😜
Very cool looking shot Gandesh! The prey is almost as big as the predator😜
Thank you very much! Ya i guess the prey is most likely heavier than the bird . That's also the reason why they stay on the perch for a longer duration vs when they bring smaller insects where they fly almost immediately.