The Learning Curve --- Grizzly Bear Cub, Canada.

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Being Shown The Ropes --- Mother points out the tastier treats---salmon brains are very nutritious . In a large Salmon run with many fish the bears will go for the brains and eyes first [ unless, of course, it is a gravid female, in which case eggs are the best ! ] The fish skin is number 3 on the menu, so inevitably there is a huge amount of remains left to benefit the attendant scavengers. ISO 200.

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Look what I've Got ! --- Junior finally comes up with the "goods", a fine adult male Chum Salmon. ISO 1600.

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Playtime ! --- Its always good to relax and play with your favourite leaves after a hard day on the riverbank, ISO 400. All taken on the banks of the Nekite River, British Columbia, 24/09/18, with a D850 and Nikon 400mm. f2.8 @1/400 Sec., monopod.
View attachment 7909

Being Shown The Ropes --- Mother points out the tastier treats---salmon brains are very nutritious . In a large Salmon run with many fish the bears will go for the brains and eyes first [ unless, of course, it is a gravid female, in which case eggs are the best ! ] The fish skin is number 3 on the menu, so inevitably there is a huge amount of remains left to benefit the attendant scavengers. ISO 200.

View attachment 7915

Look what I've Got ! --- Junior finally comes up with the "goods", a fine adult male Chum Salmon. ISO 1600.

View attachment 7920

Playtime ! --- Its always good to relax and play with your favourite leaves after a hard day on the riverbank, ISO 400. All taken on the banks of the Nekite River, British Columbia, 24/09/18, with a D850 and Nikon 400mm. f2.8 @1/400 Sec., monopod.
Excellent series!
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