The Nikon 200-500/5.6 is a budget gem

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I had the same issue with my 200-500 and made this simple fix: remove the lens from the camera and move the VR on-of switch from On to Off and back several times (20-30)
This will help to move corrosion from the conducts and work again normally.
This is happen mostly on a lens that is sitting on a shelf for a long time not used.
This lens was moderate used when I bought so a not so good copy, I used it for about two years with great success helping me a lot to start with wildlife photography
Later on I sold it to have the excellent 500 pf mainly because of the weight/ bulk difference and now I mostly use 180-600 as a new toy, losing again this difference..
When my lens first started acting up about a month ago I was able to do this and it started working again. This time it did not fix the issue. Only way I can get it to activate now is to have the lens on the camera with the camera turned on and the shutter half pressed. Then I can move the VR On/Off switch and the VR will engage, but as soon as I let go of the shutter button and try pressing it again the VR will not come back on until I fiddle with the switch again. The lens is currently boxed up and will be on it's way to Nikon for repair tomorrow morning.
Hi Gang. I'm more of a viewer than a poster. I visit frequently and check out the wonderful images that get posted here by you talented people. But most importantly, for tips, ideas and reviews. I too, love my 200-500mm. Used primarily on my D7500. I also own the Z 180-600mm. I've got a soft-spot for the 200-500mm. The images it produces, for me, are rather nice given some of the 'cons' of the lens. Anyway, here is one shot I took at a Provincial Park here in Ontario, Canada. I chose to edit in B&W as well.


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