The Ocellated or Jeweled Lizard --- Andalucia, Spain.

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This is a very young specimen of a really beautiful, but now rare reptile that is endemic to the Iberian peninsula and a few parts of Mediterranean France and Italy. It can grow up to 60 cms in length , and even may reach a massive 90 cms. If lucky it may live for up to 25 years.

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Its diet consists of large insects, beetles, and spiders. On occasion bird's eggs, baby birds, small mammals, other lizards and small snakes. Fruits and berries will be eaten as well when available. Rabbit burrows are often occupied which means of course a constant supply of young rabbit is available too.
Thanks Lisa --- unfortunately I couldn't get the whole lizard in focus at the time, so I've "maxed" it on the head and body --- would love to see a large one close up, but they are very skittish and run like fury at the slightest movement.
Given its behavior it makes the shot even more special!