Thoughts on this recent post - Nikon 600 w/TC

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For myself the "wait" is also something smaller and lighter than the z9. I chose not to wait and for nearly 2 years I've been using a comparable camera+lens that people who wish to use a Nikon are still waiting for.

EDIT: just to clarify, a smaller and lighter body than the z9 would have to have comparable performance. I waited several years for a camera body with the performance and size that interested me but the wait was over nearly 2 years ago.
Sounds like that was a good move for you. Like I said, I'd miss the vertical grip... if you add that to most mirrorless cameras on the market it's really not that much different in size than a Z9. But I understand there are lots of people who dont care about a vertical grip. And, for them, the smaller form factor is a big bonus.
Weight may be an issue... Its a big camera. I like the way a D850 fits my hand, and would use a vertical grip anyway, so its not much of an issue to me (though I haven't bought one yet)
Wait on the other hand is now a non issue as they are in stock in quite a few places right now.
Wallet is what I can't get passed just yet. Its an expensive camera for my budget. If the Z8 being a "baby Z9" turns out to be true, I'll likely buy one of those, but I'll miss the battery grip and probably wish I'd bought the Z9, lol.
You will likely have a good selection of used Z9's to choose from at that time. Like when Fuji dropped their GFX100s. I will likely pick up a second Z9 on used market then.