I would like to agree, BUT having just gone through a search through older NEF images taken years ago for a project, I find myself appreciating the newer features of Topaz DeNoise and Topaz Sharpen. I had used the older Topaz apps on some of the images before, but in this case I went back to the original NEF files and first fine tuned the amount of noise (they call it blur now) on the screen, and then the same with sharpening. I was able to get sharper images and cleaner images with the new versions without over doing it.
My older lenses clearly had some issues with sharpness and my focussing technique 10 or 12 years ago was not as good as it is now. I really appreciated the way older files could be brought up to speed. Sometimes it was motion blur, sometimes it was low light plus focus/lens blur.
More recent images often need no sharpening and the noise levels from the D500 is quite low compared to the old D90 with a kit lens.
All in all I have found Topaz Labs AI has done an excellent job for me and, for the current iteration of stand alone apps, changing the processing presences to use the GPU with 8gb of video ram has speeded up the processing very well.
Yes I like to complain about the updates from Topaz, but I also have to say, they have become indispensable apps and plug ins for me.
The quality of the results is unfortunately now much clearer to me.
(Pun intended