Water Abstract

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I took this image this morning at Cade's Cove before all the throngs of people showed up. I was driving along the middle prong in Tremont and thought this little cascade would make for an interesting abstract. I like it but I'm curious if anyone else likes it or what they might change. I have several other versions a little wider focal length and narrower but this one felt "complete" to me.

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I've come back and looked at it a couple times but it just doesn't evoke a reaction either good or bad. I'm not picking up what it is abstracting.
I guess it is abstract for me because it's more about color and form than a subject in particular. But I appreciate your thoughts. :)
I do not disagree with your reasoning, but since I can tell that it is water hitting the shoreline, my mind is a bit less inclined to think of it as an abstract. But what constitutes "abstract" is a large gray area, so I am less concerned about what I call it and more concerned about the image's content. It seems like the kind of piece that would look good in a specific environment given its colors and motion. I like to shoot images that many would call abstract, and I find that is the case for many of those images. Then again, I am more picky about what images I do display and what images they are displayed near (abstract or otherwise), but I like a bit of negative space on our walls. Very different from the house of a very well known photographer who I visited a number of years ago. There was not a spot in the whole house that was not displaying art. I am sure if he had ever visited our house, he would have been aghast at the small number of pieces we have displayed.

It’s actually water flowing over some rocks in the middle of a river :) I’ve got some things up on my walls but I’d be in the middle between you both. I have not a few but not very many as well. It’s a hard balance.
It’s actually water flowing over some rocks in the middle of a river :) I’ve got some things up on my walls but I’d be in the middle between you both. I have not a few but not very many as well. It’s a hard balance.
Yes, it is a hard balance. I have shot lots of images that I will probably never display. But sometimes I am able to use them when I make cards or small gifts for friends. Displaying is not necessarily a sign of IQ, but more like what fits on the wall. I also use my images to make cards (holiday, birthday, thank you notes, etc.) so there is another outlet for displaying and sharing images.

Abstracts are extremely subjective; some people love them and some hate them. I am afraid I am in the latter camp. However, that is not a reflection of your talent, just of my personal interests. The thing about getting feedback on an abstract is that it is hard to say what makes one good or bad (unlike a conventional photo where you can say the subject is off center, or the lighting is too harsh, etc).
I have taken a few water abstracts, too. They can be interesting. For my taste, this one fails because the "cotton candy" water just doesn't fit with the crystalline reality of the rocks on the river bed. I would rather the composition went all one way or the other. If you saw a unity there, it doesn't communicate to me in this photo. FWIW
I like the image. For me it would be stronger, more graphical, if you were to crop it and lose the top two waves. That would make a clear diagonal and emphasise the light-dark, soft-hard contrast with a single line separating the elements, and be a little more abstract.
I like the image. For me it would be stronger, more graphical, if you were to crop it and lose the top two waves. That would make a clear diagonal and emphasise the light-dark, soft-hard contrast with a single line separating the elements, and be a little more abstract.
Interesting idea. I’ll have to give that a try.