What’s your least used “great” lens

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Unfortunately, I consider most of my Z lenses great and there a number that I don't use enough.

However, of the bunch, my least used Z lens is the Z105 f2.8 MC but it is such a superb lens that I should use more often. One of Nikon's finest lenses.
Likewise a 300 f2.8 VR2 that I've not yet parted with...and may never. When you need it, you need it...there is no substitute...and it's incredibly sharp on 45MP sensors.

I'd have to think long and hard about switching if Nikon drops a smaller, lighter, equally sharp, Z 300 f2.8 on us ala Sony and their new one.
Agree on all counts.

1) The Nikon F 300 f2.8G VRII is a stunning lens, one of Nikon's finest and I wish I still had mine - I had to sell it to finance my F 400 f2.8E FL VR. I have sold my F 400 f2.8E FL VR to finance my Z 600 f4 TC.

2) I would also love a Z 300 f2.8 VR ala Sony. :D
Nikon 800mm f5.6 (bought 2nd hand relatively cheaply). Whilst it is a lovely & super sharp lens, it is too heavy to be taken on walks (not to mention having to carry a tripod & gimbal), and therefore only tend to get used when I’m going to a hide.
My 500 and 300 pfs. I have completely moved to Z cameras, but I just can't part with these two lenses. They get used for high risk work like kayak and seashore.
Nice question. For me there are a couple of lenses that I seldom use but wouldn’t want to part with: The 500mm PF. It has gotten squeezed between the Z 100-400 and the Z 600 TC. The Laowa 100mm 2x micro and nikon 200mm micro because of the convenience of the Z105mm micro. Finally the F 8-15 fisheye simply because it’s such a specialist lens. The lens that I should probably part with is the 200mm micro but it has been my favourite lens for over 20 years (I bought it second hand in 1998) so I guess I’ve become attached to it.
It depends on where and what I'm shooting. Over 16 months in Yellowstone I relied primarily on three lenses: the 800mm f/6.3, the 600mm f/4 and the 180-600mm f/5.6-6.3. The least used, but my overall favorite lens, was the 400 f/2.8. It just wasn't enough lens for the distances I needed to cover. I got great use of it during the bighorn sheep rut because I could get close along the Old Yellowstone Trail, but that's where it ended. I'm back in NY and anticipate I'll get much greater use of the 400mm f/2.8 and less use of the 800 mm lens, but the 180-600 will likely be my trusty second lens for wildlife.
70-200 2.8 Z lens. Have it, love it, will never part with it - but seldom use it. Tomorrow I will! Excited.
I've owned 70-200's since the early 1980's - once it came out as 80-200.
Agree with you on the Z 24-120, very versatile lens.
I have also had both F and Z mount 70-200/2.8. It always seemed like a “must have” lens, but rarely saw much use. I finally sold the Z mount and replaced it with the Z 70-180/2.8. Much more compact. It’s probably still my least used lens, but now I still have a f/2.8 tele zoom when I need it and am much more likely to take it with me when traveling.
14-24 f/2.8

Every year I keep telling myself that I'll make an effort to photograph the occasional landscape. And every passing year, the exact same thing happens. I go out, get distracted by a bird/animal and shift all my attention there.
Exactly what I experienced…. Recently sold my 14-24 f/2.8 and got the Plena. The Z 14-30S suits my needs..