What camera to get for landscape and city / holiday photography?

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So time will tell if I stick with it, or upgrade to Z 8 later on.

Well, that did not last long :)

It was my full intention to give the Z7ii a good test and give it some time to decide if it would work for me, however, I returned it within a few days and picked up a brand new Z8 yesterday....

Why? I knew upfront about many of the differences, like the U1-3 user modes on the dial, compared to the A-D banks on the Z8. I know those from my days with the D7200, so that was a compromise I was willing to make.
What didn't work for me though was the fact that the Z7ii does not allow you to assign a specific focus mode to any of the buttons. Best you can get is the combination of a button and a dial to quickly change focus modes.

For me, that is a deal breaker as I continuously use different focus modes. Maybe not so much for landscape, but definitely for any other type of picture where I override my settings with for example single point AF on F1 on a very regular basis.

So, now I am the happy owner of a brand new Z8 and two anxious Z9's, of which one will likely have to find a new home soon...

Btw, I tried to load the settings from the Z9 into the Z8, hoping it would work and simply use what settings are available on the Z8. Unfortunately that does not work, so went through all menus manually today to set it up across the 4 banks just the way I like it.