What do you do with duplicate pictures?

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I delete most duplicates (with as ruthless an attitude as possible).
I then review the pictures several months later and delete some more.

Also, I'm getting better (more realistic) about recognizing which marginal pictures can NOT be salvaged in post.

I still have more duplicates than I should.

For me, the hardest thing I go through is having to choose the best one or two of a sequence of good images. I mean, it's painstakingly slow and a lot of work switching back and forth between images, zooming in, etc. So once I made my decision, I delete the rest. I don't want to run into them in the future and go through the process again.
So you come back from a birds or animal photo shoot and you have more than a 1000 images. You choose the ones you like you edit and keep them.
What do you do with the duplicates (That many of them are still amazing)
I choose the ones I like and delete the rest even though many of the deleted images are just as good as the ones I chose.
DELETE regularly