What does this photograph represent? - Solution given -

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Let me give the explanation, even if we're not on January 1st :D

In fact Bleirer and hrv made very good proposals, which give the solution when combined:
  • camera movement
  • a picture from some stone

This picture was taken in Namibia a few years ago.

My wife never takes pictures. But this time, as I was using another combo, she was carrying my second camera at arm’s length, which I had left on ON.
Without realizing it, she pressed the trigger several times while walking, giving this king of result.

These are grains of sand of different colors and the arc of circle is given by the movement of the device during the walk.

The result of this involuntary photograph is not so bad, it has at least an unusual graphic appearance.

Many thanks to all those who played along and made proposals ;)

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