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Can one really have too many Red-winged Blackbird shots. Well, sure, but here's another :) Nicely where I was last weekend the native cattail reeds (the perch here)
Red Wing Pickering sized.jpg
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had not been crowded out by an invasive marsh plant which is taking over (and drying up) many wetlands here.
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I agree that they are great birds to photograph. I caught a group chasing a RT Hawk around yesterday. Quite entertaining for me, if not for the hawk. :)

Nice shot, the cattails add a lot.
I agree that they are great birds to photograph. I caught a group chasing a RT Hawk around yesterday. Quite entertaining for me, if not for the hawk. :)

Nice shot, the cattails add a lot.
Thanks. Nice re the chase. Mostly where I photograph them now they are so accustomed to people I don't get the entertainment value of having them try to remove my hat! :)