When Nature provides a studio setting

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Wow, been ages since I've shot any wildlife and worse since I've been on here; got a LOT of catching up to do with liking and commenting.
From an July shoot in a Carolinian forest camping trip on Lake Erie, I was sitting reading waiting for the tent fly to dry before packing it away and leaving the campsite; had spotted this stump and said out lout at one point, "Birds, squirrels, chipmunks, anybody want to use this lovely posing box?" Literally a shot from a short burst of shots, the last of the trip. A cooperating beam of light from a mostly heavily overcast sky through a thick tree canopy. (As for why the high shutter speed in such low light conditions: as I say I was packed up ready to go, including the camera and I zipped to the car grabbed the camera from the front seat and then immediately got off a few shots before my model flew away.)
Common Grackle.

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What an uncommonly excellent of a Common Grackle. As someone else said, sometimes things do just work out.