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In September I went to Kenia, specially for night photography from a hide
You go in the hide from 6pm till 6am.
What an experience, with a lot of patience.
This is my favorite photo I took there
Outstanding photo!
Where exactly in Kenia it is? Which camp/lodge if I may ask? I know, that in Zimanga (South Africa) such workshops are taking place but never heard that in Kenia are hides as well ;-)
I went to Lentorre. Note you really only go there for night photography. Other than that there is little to do. During my stay there was a russian guest who also been at Shomphole for 3 days before Lentorre, he told me it was better. There you can shoot both day and night. If you want to know more, please let me know.
I went to Lentorre. Note you really only go there for night photography. Other than that there is little to do. During my stay there was a russian guest who also been at Shomphole for 3 days before Lentorre, he told me it was better. There you can shoot both day and night. If you want to know more, please let me know.
Those 2 are 2 of the best camps in Kenya!