Wild Eye Magazine

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Yes, it was announced last summer as mentioned in post 45 on this thread: https://bcgforums.com/threads/magazines.31514/page-2
However, it is just now becoming available. The original announcement back then said first issue would be digital (and free, which it is). The implication was that all subsequent (paid) issues would be in print. Now they are saying the first year (four issues) will all be digital and they will begin print issues on the second year of publication. I much prefer a print issue, so I am not sure I want to pay for digital copies.
Yes, it was announced last summer as mentioned in post 45 on this thread: https://bcgforums.com/threads/magazines.31514/page-2
However, it is just now becoming available. The original announcement back then said first issue would be digital (and free, which it is). The implication was that all subsequent (paid) issues would be in print. Now they are saying the first year (four issues) will all be digital and they will begin print issues on the second year of publication. I much prefer a print issue, so I am not sure I want to pay for digital copies.
Tough for any print magazine to stay profitable these days, which was the main reason Outdoor Photographer went out of business (along with many other magazines). Additionally, for some types of reporting (e.g. product reviews/announcements), by the time copy is finalized, sent to the printer, and mailed, it's old news.