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The only photography magazine that of any genre that I read in hardcopy form is ‘Nikon Owner’ produced by Grays of Westminster. It’s published on high quality glossy paper and the photos in it are beautifully rendered. I don’t know how it’s affordable to produce a magazine like that anymore, but I’m glad they’re doing it.
I did not know this. Do you subscribe to it? If so, I'd like to hear your thoughts of it, thank you.
I did not know this. Do you subscribe to it? If so, I'd like to hear your thoughts of it, thank you.
Yes, I am a subscriber. I have a digital & hardcopy subscription (£69 per year at my most recent renewal) but there’s a digital only option available too. It’s published four times a year and each issue is 60 pages or so.

Each issue includes articles by well known pro photographers who use Nikon gear, how-to guidance by magazine staff, and reviews of Nikon gear. As I mentioned, with its beautifully rendered photos throughout it’s a high quality publication unlike most I’ve read these days.

There are various benefits offered to subscribers but they would be of most value to those who live in the UK. In December they hosted an interesting webcast with Kristi Odom. I enjoyed that very much.

You can get more info here:
Yes, I am a subscriber. I have a digital & hardcopy subscription (£69 per year at my most recent renewal) but there’s a digital only option available too. It’s published four times a year and each issue is 60 pages or so.

Each issue includes articles by well known pro photographers who use Nikon gear, how-to guidance by magazine staff, and reviews of Nikon gear. As I mentioned, with its beautifully rendered photos throughout it’s a high quality publication unlike most I’ve read these days.

There are various benefits offered to subscribers but they would be of most value to those who live in the UK. In December they hosted an interesting webcast with Kristi Odom. I enjoyed that very much.

You can get more info here:
Thank you, very much!
Not me, I don't even own a television!
Interesting :unsure:

If you can keep yourself off the garbage news networks (all of them), TV/cable/streaming has so much amazing content to offer. I used to think I wanted to go lose the TV but glad I didn't, I would miss all the wildlife and humanitarian documentaries of the world. And the NASA channel, amazing! Computers and phones are nice, but there's nothing like a NatGeo special on an 85" ultra HD TV.

Thats an itch that can't be scratched by a magazine.
£69 per year at my most recent renewal - that is 89 US dollars - for four magazines! (n)
As @JAJohnson says, value is relative and for some this price is worth it. I mean some of us would probably have no issue spending 89 dollars on dinner out, which is something that only lasts an hour or so. Each of these magazines I assume gives more than an hour worth of enjoyment and there are four of them. Still, compared to the traditional price of magazines at less than ten bucks, it is a bit steep.
I do like a print magazine, though most were not worth my time (when I was new to photography I learned a lot but then outgrew them). Now they are gone anyway. However, one that I will continue to buy is the annual awards edition of Natures Best Photography. They have been kind of up in the air over last couple years but I checked now and they have published a 2023 awards magazine you can buy through their website and are accepting entries for the 2024 awards.
Thanks for this info about NB. I hope they can go back to their excellent format and be successful. The contest images are awesome--
My first and only subscription to a photography magazine is to Elements Photography Magazine.

The magazine showcases landscape images and photographers globally and discusses particular details of a shoot, image or style. It touches on gear where necessary, but this is not the focus of the publication or articles. It is produced monthly, normally about ~100 pages and delivered online as a PDF. I enjoy the magazine as it delves deeper into each particular issue with every article. For me it can provide inspiration - the black and white photography edition, good advice and considerations - printing landscape imagery, and sometimes, just an interesting in-depth article on a particular photographer or photographic image that you can immerse yourself in.

I am not associated with Elements mag in anyway whatsoever other than as a paying subscriber.
I am reviving this thread with two recent finds.

One is not a print magazine, but this online photo site features really nice photo essays:

However, a new nature photography magazine is coming this fall and it looks really promising (I plan to subscribe). The first issue (September 2024) will be in digital format, presumably to create a buzz. If you enter your email on their site you will get it. After that they will create what they call a high quality print magazine, released quarterly.
I am reviving this thread with two recent finds.

One is not a print magazine, but this online photo site features really nice photo essays:

However, a new nature photography magazine is coming this fall and it looks really promising (I plan to subscribe). The first issue (September 2024) will be in digital format, presumably to create a buzz. If you enter your email on their site you will get it. After that they will create what they call a high quality print magazine, released quarterly.
I was just about to post this. Will see if they make it. Maybe you (but not others) saw the article on it in PetaPixel:
The economics of a print magazine are terrible. I've been involved with a number of print magazines and newsletters that have gone to digital only - and the quality improved. Postage, printing and paper are terribly expensive. Editorial costs are fixed regardless of whether your readership goes up or down - and generally it is dropping. Layout and proofing costs are high - and need to be duplicated with a completely new version for digital formats. And the future of digital is embedded video, links, added extras, etc. Even if you go the print on demand route, you're looking at $20-30 per issue for print and delivery cost.

Nikon Owner magazine does a great job. I've just heard about Wild Eye - and it's apparently picking up some columnists from Outdoor.