Wimberley MH-100 Clamp Knob

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I did have to use more force than I had anticipated to get it on the first time. After that it could be removed and reattached quite easily. It remains a tight fit though and won't slip off.

It didn't ever look like being 2mm out though. I would get back to Wimberley for advice.
I tried again with a different grip and application of pressure (more akin to and isometric exercise hold close to the chest) and it snapped into place (so to speak) and could be removed straightforwardly:)

The little pips I described have been slightly flattened but still there.
Mine as well did need some force to put on but not extraordinary (I am not a very strong person). I haven't removed it since and cannot try that now as it is packed away already in the suitcase, ready for my flight to Ecuador tomorrow... :)
Thanks for your reply, as above I have resolved it......and feel kind of sheepish as I did not want to "force" it in case I ended up damaging it.

I wish you a safe journey and a wonderful trip to Ecuador. I will look forward to seeing the images....if you can tag in on a thread or two of them when you post any that would be welcome:)