Wire Tail Swallows - Love is in the air! - D500 + 200~500

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How do you find the 1.4II tc with the 200-500? Guess aperture will be F8 but I gave this combo a try on my D500 and found AF struggled at times to lock on and focus. Any tips?
Just read your question again. The TC 1.4E II is not compatible with the 200~500, it must be the TC 1.4E III ..and yes, it does struggle with the focus, I only use it for when the bird is on a perch, it is difficult to shoot any action for this reason. I do often times use f8 to focus and then switch to f9 once I have acquired focus. Also, I often times will use the manual focus ring to acquire focus and then use the back button once I have the bird clearly in the view finder. Hope this helps.