Would like to have name and home location as part of name/avator

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Why I care about this, I really don't know. I was in the US military when the DoD net was compromised and I was one of those compromised. :oops: It's a good thing that the US government gave us "free" ID protection for two years afterward, because we all know that after two years, no one with nefarious intentions would use our information. :rolleyes:
The one that seems useless to me is the marketplace title. Any way to turn that off?

I like the supporting member title because I think that encourages others to join at the $20 A year level.
I feel many of these "ID" issues are moot. So many companies have been compromised with the subsequent loss of customer personal information that there is very little info about any of us that can't be found with a proper search. I can't count how many free one year personal ID protections I've received in the last year alone.
I feel many of these "ID" issues are moot. So many companies have been compromised with the subsequent loss of customer personal information that there is very little info about any of us that can't be found with a proper search. I can't count how many free one year personal ID protections I've received in the last year alone.
I’ve got enough free years to outlast me. Wonder if I can bequeath the leftovers.