Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoo, the consummate Hakea nut crackers, 191123

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A well known member 🇦🇺 📷
Supporting Member
Yellow-tailed Black Cockatoos, a female and male were in the yard this afternoon both interested in cracking Hakea nuts.
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Beautiful - possibly my favourite cockatoo. I like the close ups.
Thank you.
My favourites too, although I am biased as they are the only cockatoo that come into the yard.
They are hard to ignore when they are in the yard due to the constant calls and the cracking of the nuts.
Thank you.
My favourites too, although I am biased as they are the only cockatoo that come into the yard.
They are hard to ignore when they are in the yard due to the constant calls and the cracking of the nuts.
You will probably know that in South Africa - Cockatoos are regarded as Pets.
I many of the other species are really great as pets and love being handled. (as opposed to our African Grey parrot- which can be real bastardos)
I used to breed all sorts of Parrots - and my favourite bird as a pet is a cockatiel 😂