Yellowthroat singing

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This is a common resident bird in my area. Easy to see at any time, but unfortunately during most of the year they are skulkers, often only visible deep in the reeds and waterside vegetation. Hard to get good images. That all changes in the early spring. The males sit, often on the highest piece of vegetation they can find, and sing to mark their territories and attract a female. In my area, Oceanside California, this time coincides with the blooming of vast fields of mustard flowers. During this time I will often take literally 100's of images of this species, but will not take any images of them during the remaining 10 months of the year.
This shot was taken in February of 2023. Cropped from R and bottom approximately 50%, BG was darkened slightly, eye was brightened slightly, and a wayward stem of mustard was cloned out of the L bottom.
Common Yellowthroat Whelan Lake 6.jpg
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Nice shot for sure. Agreed on the general secretive behavior, every shot I have of them is horribly cluttered. I have not noticed the mating season display/singing, I will most definitely be looking for it next spring.

Very nice.
This is a common resident bird in my area. Easy to see at any time, but unfortunately during most of the year they are skulkers, often only visible deep in the reeds and waterside vegetation. Hard to get good images. That all changes in the early spring. The males sit, often on the highest piece of vegetation they can find, and sing to mark their territories and attract a female. In my area, Oceanside California, this time coincides with the blooming of vast fields of mustard flowers. During this time I will often take literally 100's of images of this species, but will not take any images of them during the remaining 10 months of the year.
This shot was taken in February of 2023. Cropped from R and bottom approximately 50%, BG was darkened slightly, eye was brightened slightly, and a wayward stem of mustard was cloned out of the L bottom
Beautiful shot! 👍👍👍
Nice shot for sure. Agreed on the general secretive behavior, every shot I have of them is horribly cluttered. I have not noticed the mating season display/singing, I will most definitely be looking for it next spring.

Very nice.
Yes, depending on where you live I am sure that the behaviors will be similar if not identical. I watched this bird for several mornings and by the 3rd morning I could predict where he was going to land and sing. About every 20 minutes he would come to this plant. I set up a cover up blind with the sun at my back and waited.