Z 14-30 f/4 vs 14-28S f/2.8

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As noted above…it is 2.8 instead of f4 and ’better’, hence the price different. But…while it is better when pixel peeping…is it really that much better when downsampled to whatever size is needed for the output? Dunno…but physics tells us that the 2:1 differences get a lot closer when downsampled, particularly if it’s screen display ouput. Whether the difference is worth the weight, size, price, and filters extra cost is worth it depends on the user…and their needs and wants. I’ve said before…better is the enemy of good enough…and pros probably can justify the need for the better…but for the rest of us the answer isn’t as clear. I went with the 14-30 and never considered the more $$ and weight 2.8 lens because the costs outweighed the benefits for me…especially as a guy who almost exclusively outputs for the screen.
But if I print 40x60?
I would only buy the 14-24 2.8 if you really need or want that extra light because it's a huge lens and heavy in comparison for a tiny difference in output quality. Remember we live in a world where half the people you show a print too can't tell the difference if it came from an iphone wide angle or a 14-24.
The 14-24 S lens is not "huge and heavy". In fact, I was shocked at how light it was compared to the F mount version.
The 14-24 S lens is not "huge and heavy". In fact, I was shocked at how light it was compared to the F mount version.
Compared to the F mount, no it's svelt, compared to the 14-30? It's quite a lot more space in a bag and half a pound more. I consider that huge and heavy. I pack pretty light when I travel and use a 6L peak design sling. That 14-24 would mean two less primes in my bag. I can get a ZF or Z8, 14-30, 24-200, 26 2.8 and 40 F2 in that 6L. That's not happening with the 14-24.

It's a good lens and i agree it's a lot lighter than the F, and smaller, I value light weight/size a lot for travel and will use lenses like the 40 F2 because the weight savings means more to me than the image quality which I consider plenty good enough. There really are no bad Z lenses for image quality so far.
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