Z6iii - HELP - What Do You Want To Know?

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OK, since the cat's out of the bag (with Nikon's blessing) that I had access to the Z6iii, what would you like me to cover in the review? I have a 25 minute or so review ready to go (for the most part), but I can always add things if I missed something.

So, let me know what you would like me to cover, keeping in mind I can't answer your requests here and now, and without the camera in hand I may be limited on some things. Plus, it was a preproduction unit so there are some inherent limits there. Still, I'd like to make sure I'm covering everything I can, so let me know what you would like to see - and thanks!
Can the Z6III precapture output raw files? (And if so, does that suggest this feature might come to the Z9 & Z8?)

If you use a Z9 and/or Z8, as I do, are there reasons I might want a Z6III? Since I have both a Z9 and Z8, I don’t really need a Z6III for backup. I sold my Z6II and Z7II when I added the Z8 to my Z9.
Can the Z6III precapture output raw files? (And if so, does that suggest this feature might come to the Z9 & Z8?)

If you use a Z9 and/or Z8, as I do, are there reasons I might want a Z6III? Since I have both a Z9 and Z8, I don’t really need a Z6III for backup. I sold my Z6II and Z7II when I added the Z8 to my Z9.

Similar to this if you have a Z9, what does one consider between the Z8 and Z6iii. Seems like the underlying tech will be up to par, but it's DX not FX. If you aren't going to print large, then seems to be a solid choice (battery and card sizes seem the same). What other factors come to mind?
Similar to this if you have a Z9, what does one consider between the Z8 and Z6iii. Seems like the underlying tech will be up to par, but it's DX not FX. If you aren't going to print large, then seems to be a solid choice (battery and card sizes seem the same). What other factors come to mind?
I'm curious, why do you think it will be a DX sensor and not FX?

Similar to this if you have a Z9, what does one consider between the Z8 and Z6iii. Seems like the underlying tech will be up to par, but it's DX not FX. If you aren't going to print large, then seems to be a solid choice (battery and card sizes seem the same). What other factors come to mind?
Are you saying you think the Z6III is DX? The Z6 line has always been an FX sensor and I'd say with 100% confidence it will continue to be so.
Comparison (in the field, not specs but what you can create with it) vs Z 8 and Z 6ii. In a way new features as well as features that are lacking but more importantly what can you do? For example if Precapture allows RAW, not just JPG, that would be interesting. But increasing precapture from 1 second to 1.5 or 2 seconds, yawn.
See I should’ve had my coffee. FX but with a smaller sensor. My apologies.
Technically the sensor is the same size - just larger photosites on the Z6iii which means better low light and fewer megapixels. That can translate to a small drop in resolution compared to a Z8/Z9.

Back to Steve's question:
What are the unique things being done with the reduced megapixels of the sensor? What's faster than a Z8/Z9?

Will is fully support CFExpress 4.0 with hardware and does that translate into faster speeds?

What's the maximum burst length? How long does it take to clear a full buffer?

Does Pre-release capture have any changes in AF - pre-release tracking?

What's the use case for wildlife? Why would you choose the Z6iii over a Z8 or Z9?
Still, I'd like to make sure I'm covering everything I can, so let me know what you would like to see
I guess the big ticket items for my uses would be:

- Low light performance both AF system and noise
- EVF experience (substantial slide show at faster frame rates or something better for tracking action)
- AF performance including subject detection
- Custom control flexibility including features like AF area cycle (Subject Detect mode cycle???)

Oh and yeah, all the cool stuff (pixel shift, raw precapture?, etc.)
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