Z8 distortion with airplane detection

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I don't know this plane very well from memory.
But does not lenght "a" seems very large ?
And does perspective justify differences between lenght "b" and lenght "c" ?
What do you think ?

View attachment 83326
if not, neither heat distortion, nor atmospheric distortion nor any physic parameter can justify that ?

If both op images show the same plane, there is something very strange in image 1, no ? At least for the tail (lenght "a").
The 747 wing sweep plus the off-centre viewpoint perfectly creates the difference in engine spacing you are seeing. The tail upsweep likewise.
Took a shot of this A380 for my son who flies these things whilst I was out birding, I changed to the airplane detection mode and these are the shots I got showing distortion of the tail section as the plane was approaching and the front section as it was going. Am I doing something wrong or is it the camera? Z8 with 500PF and 1.4 teleconverter, images attached f8, 1/2500s ISO 280
View attachment 83187View attachment 83188
That's a Boeing 747 not an A380.
Alien Spacecraft impersonating a 747.

Seriously, I have a 1200mm on my 4x5. If I'm shooting landscapes and the atmosphere isn't perfect detail gets wiped out like it was never focused.
I am inclined to say yes. This image was clearly not shot head on.

because of the swept wings, the left wing (right side of photo) is nearly parallel with the sensor while the right wing is receding from the image plane so the different perspective makes the engines on the left wing appear farther apart than on the right wing.