Z8 iso

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Like so many things, it depends on the circumstances, the light, the subject and what is required to get the shot etc.

Here is one shot at ISO22800 as I needed a relatively high shutter speed as the Platypus was moving:

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/500s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso22800


Here is an Osprey that was moving fast and I was at 1/4000sec and thus required ISO5000.

Z9 + 400 f2.8E FL VR, 1/4000s f/4.5 at 560.0mm iso5000


This Forest Kingfisher was in very low light but at least was sitting still. However it still required ISO7200!

Z9 + 500 f5.6 PF, 1/125s f/5.6 at 500.0mm iso7200

I've just been down to the coast and took some photos of a coyote mooching around on the salt marsh: Typically, they're 2800-3200 and looking at the RAW files I don't need to do any noise reduction. I know these aren't mega high ISO values these days, but I'm impressed. All taken with the 500pf 5.6 attached to my Z8. I'll post some when I'm done plowing through them.
Like so many things, it depends on the circumstances, the light, the subject and what is required to get the shot etc.

Here is one shot at ISO22800 as I needed a relatively high shutter speed as the Platypus was moving:

Z9 + 800 f6.3 PF, 1/500s f/6.3 at 800.0mm iso22800


Here is an Osprey that was moving fast and I was at 1/4000sec and thus required ISO5000.

Z9 + 400 f2.8E FL VR, 1/4000s f/4.5 at 560.0mm iso5000


This Forest Kingfisher was in very low light but at least was sitting still. However it still required ISO7200!

Z9 + 500 f5.6 PF, 1/125s f/5.6 at 500.0mm iso7200

Excellent outcomes, the reflection in the eye of the king fisher is impressive
That 500pf is an excellent lens though I just sold mine for the 600zpf, also an excellent lens that works well with a 1.4tc. Good shots and I have found I can get similar results at high iso, just not as consistent.
Interesting article, sounds like iso 500 as a base can be a good option when shooting early in the morning. I have found 12,800 to be about as high as I want to go but have had a few decent “Id“ shots at higher settings. Shoot birds sometimes means you can’t always get what you want.
I agree, but handling noise better than the D500 is a very low hurdle. For the record, I haven’t been crazy about hi-iso with any Nikon body after my D3S. Even my beloved D850 left me unimpressed over 1600. I’m with the others who will let auto iso take me as high as it wants to get the shot and mitigate the noise in post, but despite what others seem to report, I’m totally unimpressed with the hi iso capabilities of the Z8. Unimpressive hi-iso performance and the crummy battery life are my only knocks on my Z8. But - stunning IQ, incredible AF, stellar VR and compact size allow me to swallow the 2 nits.
We both love our D3s cameras. I had 2 of them and found only the Z6/6ii to be nearly as close in low-light quality. Because Nikon is no longer repairing the D3s camera bodies, I traded mine in while it was worth something, at least. I'm sure hoping that the Z6iii, if it comes out before mid-July will still be 24 mpixels. As you know for you and I, less is more for mp counts. I have taken Z6ii iso values up to 25,600 and gotten exceptional recoveries for landscape and architectural shots, but the people are a little plasticy sometimes