Z9 Crop Mode Toggle

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I don't own a Z9, but am on a waiting list like others. I'm still struggling with the whole A1 vs Z9 dilemma and have a quick question -- is there a way to easily assign a button to toggle in and out of crop mode on the Z9 like there is on the A1? A "true" toggle and not a button that has to stay continually pressed to engage crop mode. This is a big one for me.

Thank you!
There is no way to toggle where you just tap once and then tap once again to get out. You can assign a custom button so that when you tap it the menu pops up and you scroll to the other aspect ratio. That then sticks until you do same again to go back. You don’t have to keep holding down the button. But it requires push and scroll vs just tap on the A1.
It's the same as with Nikon DSLRs. While looking through the VF you can push button and scroll with one of the wheels to change capture area. If you only want FX and DX then you need to disable the other capture modes(e.g.9x16 format). On my D850 I use FF, 1.2x crop, and 1.5x crop. Currently on the Z9 there is no option for 1.2x crop. Hopefully with future firmware upgrades they will add it.