Z9 finds eye in 85lb. pile of Pelicans. 500PF +1.4TC 1/400, f8, ISO 100

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I cropped the eye from the 21Mb jpg to show the iris detail, which surprised me. I could see the focus spot on what I thought was the eye but couldn't really tell if the eye was open.
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When eye detection works it's downright magical. Unfortunately it isn't reliable. I've currently got animal detection assigned to a Fn button(via recall) as a secondary/optional function. If I miss focus on a subject I can forgive myself. If I turn control over to the camera and it misses I'm not as forgiving. And since I shoot a lot from a boat that could get very expensive :mad:
Very nice image. But how did you know it was 85 Lbs? How much does a single pelican weigh?
I think there were 6 of them, I counted beaks/tails, and then walked to another perspective to confirm. American White Pelicans weigh 14 lbs.+ each, per Sibley Bird Guide, and I rounded up because they looked well-fed.:)
When eye detection works it's downright magical. Unfortunately it isn't reliable. I've currently got animal detection assigned to a Fn button(via recall) as a secondary/optional function. If I miss focus on a subject I can forgive myself. If I turn control over to the camera and it misses I'm not as forgiving. And since I shoot a lot from a boat that could get very expensive :mad:
Agreed. I'm newer to eye detection/tracking and am amazed that it works as well as it does. As a back-up, I use Steve's suggestion of assigning RSF to a Fn button, reverting my Z9 back to the focus mode I used with my D500.
When eye detection works it's downright magical. Unfortunately it isn't reliable. I've currently got animal detection assigned to a Fn button(via recall) as a secondary/optional function. If I miss focus on a subject I can forgive myself. If I turn control over to the camera and it misses I'm not as forgiving. And since I shoot a lot from a boat that could get very expensive :mad:
Now, Dan, the rules are that all hands, feet and cameras must remain on the boat! 😉