Z9 Stuck in DX w Alert Flashing

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Supporting Member
My Z9 running v4.10 is stuck in DX mode with the DX Alert flashing. Trying to change DX to FX in the menu and/or turning the DX alert off doesn't help. Nor does turning the camera on and off or pulling the battery. Before I go any further, such as reloading v4.10 does anyone have further suggestions??
My Z9 running v4.10 is stuck in DX mode with the DX Alert flashing. Trying to change DX to FX in the menu and/or turning the DX alert off doesn't help. Nor does turning the camera on and off or pulling the battery. Before I go any further, such as reloading v4.10 does anyone have further suggestions??
Have you tried a different lens?

If the camera thinks a DX lens is installed (perhaps an electrical contact problem with the lens mount) it will go into DX mode.
Thanks and yes I tried, and I don't own any DX lenses. My F1 button toggles between DX and FX and I use DX on distant birds, AF seems to track a bit better in DX.
The above sounds most plausible to me. Another thought would be most cameras automatically force crop mode if they think a crop lens is attached, so if it is not the 60 fps thing I'd clean the contacts in case the camera is thinking it is a crop lens.
Many years ago, I adopted specific settings as my defaults. I made it a rule not to put the camera back in the bag until I reset anything I had changed back to the default setting. It does work but has gotten a lot more difficult with the shear number of settings available. I keep my Z9 settings on a dedicated memory card (a Sandisk that runs too hot in use but is fine for loading settings). As I get older, it gets harder to remember just what I have changed.....
Thanks folks, the "60 fps thing" was exactly right. I was using it on some hummers then put the camera up for a couple of days and forgot to switch back.
BGF strikes again.
Err, if I may, maybe "BFG rescues again!" 🤣 Hey, nice job asking for help in a way the BCG people clearly understood your issue!!