Zemlin Lens Cap...

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Heck, Zemlin wants 62 USD for a simple 77 mm lens cap! OEM ones go for 40 something Euro from Nikon Germany, which includes VAT. On Amazon.de you find them for around 4-5 Euro per cap... What are those made of, gold? Farry magic preventing them getting lost?
For UK members I can recommend the StellarUK lens caps - I have just purchased one for my Z 800mm f6.3 on eBay and it's a very well fitted and constructed cap. They have Nikon, Canon, Sigma and Olympus lens caps.

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Heck, Zemlin wants 62 USD for a simple 77 mm lens cap! OEM ones go for 40 something Euro from Nikon Germany, which includes VAT. On Amazon.de you find them for around 4-5 Euro per cap... What are those made of, gold? Farry magic preventing them getting lost?

Well, it’s quite worth it to me. Perhaps it’s my old fumbly fingers, but I cannot reliably get a cap on a lens quickly, especially if I’m not looking. There have been numerous occasions when I was certain that I had put a regular Nikon cap on with no issue, only to open my bag hours later to find the cap lying at the bottom of my bag. The Zemlin caps go on and stay on with no fuss. I am on a quest to replace the originals as I have the extra dough. I am completely satisfied with the purchases.