…They come in the night

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Larry S

Well-known member
Supporting Member
Another photographer’s presentation made me recall my experiences with the elusive flying squirrels. They can run up and down tree trunks like crazy then leap and glide to another tree. They also are bird feeder junkies. We noticed them outside our kitchen window chowing down on cracked corn and oil seed. I started turning on the eave lights at dark and sat motionless in a porch chair to try for some shots. Here they come! And approachable. These are from January 2010 with a D200….
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Another photographer’s presentation made me recall my experiences with the elusive flying squirrels. They can run up and down tree trunks like crazy then leap and glide to another tree. They also are bird feeder junkies. We noticed them outside our kitchen window chowing down on cracked corn and oil seed. I started turning on the eave lights at dark and sat motionless in a porch chair to try for some shots. Here they come! And approachable. These are from January 2010 with a D200….
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Very cute, Larry👍👍👍