Of all the camera's you've used/owned what's your favorite?

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Stephen Berger

Well-known member
Supporting Member
not necessarily the best but your favorite. Maybe for sentimental reasons or cause it was so much fun, etc.

The camera's I've owned...

in the early 70's a Kodak instamatic as a kid (I got a shot of Evel Knievel popping a wheelie during the Thanksgiving Day parade in NYC when I was 9).

MANY years later (1995) a Canon EOS (don't remember which but entry level) film camera which I took on trips to Nepal, Tibet and India

A Pentax K1000 which I bought for a photography class in 1996

Then from 2006 through last May a Nikon D70, D200, D7000, D600, D800, D810, D500 and 2 x D850's

And now an A7RIV and A1

The Kodak stands out for being the first, the Canon for the trips I took with it. The Pentax because I loved that photography class. The D800 onward because that's when I started getting into wildlife. The Sony's because I love shooting mirrorless and the A1 is the bomb.

But the winner for me would be the D200. That's when I went from someone who was curious about photography to someone who started carrying a camera much of the time and more importantly really started seeing the world in terms of shape and light, etc.

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But the winner for me would be the D200. That's when I went from someone who was curious about photography to someone who started carrying a camera much of the time and more importantly really started seeing the world in terms of shape and light, etc.
Similar curve for me with an Instamatic, a bellows type press camera (120 roll film), a dual lens reflex, an Argus C3 (still have that one) and then a Pentax Spotmatic which changed everything. Lot's of SLRs from Olympus, Canon, Pentax and Nikon followed and each had their strong and weak points.

I started digital with a D1H I purchased used from Moose Peterson and I agree the D200 was a beauty (in the capable hands of my niece now).

Really hard to pick a favorite. Sentimentally it's probably the Argus C3, Nikon FM or N90S that are still on the shelf but functionally it's either the D2X which I shot many of my favorite images with or my D5 as it's just so capable for many of my favorite subjects. That said I probably pick up my Z6 II more than any other camera for day to day uses and I expect if and when I move to a Z9, Sony A1 or similar it will likely become my new favorite but at the moment if I think I'll be shooting serious sports or wildlife I'll pick up my D5.
My favorite for a specific reason is the Minolta A9 I had in 1968-1969 timeframe. I used it to take a series of B&W photos of my girlfriend. To this day they may be the best portrait shots I have ever done. My sister lost the camera, but I got the photos and the girl. We will celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary on December 23.

In modern days it is my most recent purchase - the Nikon D850 because it is the first SLR I have owned that actually fits my hands - great ergonomics. We will see how the Z9 feels when it arrives. In between there were many P&S and other SLRs and a Z6, but the first and the most recent are the ones I like the most.
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My first camera, a Brownie that I had around the age of 10. I still have some of those photos.

And then a fully manual Miranda SLR that I bought in 1968 when I really wanted but couldn't afford a Nikon F. (You could get the Miranda and a 50mm lens for the same price as just the Nikon body.) But I kept that Miranda for 25 years, and took many of my most treasured photos with it.
My favorite film camera was the manual focus, manual exposure Leicaflex SL. I still have it with a couple of the lenses.
My favorite digital camera (no contest!) is the Sony a1. I never found a DSLR camera that I liked anywhere near as much as these two.
From my film days, my FA, 8008, and N90.

From my DSLR days (you know, like last week), the D850, D5/6, and D500

All time favorite, Sony a1 - nothing else is even close. The camera feels like it's working with you to get the shot and if I do my job, it does its job. I don't think I've ever has more fun with any camera.
That’s a tough one.
‘Canon Eos 1v has to be up there in film days, what a workhorse, never failed.
‘Leica M6 for street photography. The rangefinder, the silky smooth manual focus, the 50mm sumilux…
‘And the Sony A1 - the first do it all camera that morphs to you.
Similar curve for me with an Instamatic, a bellows type press camera (120 roll film), a dual lens reflex, an Argus C3 (still have that one) and then a Pentax Spotmatic which changed everything. Lot's of SLRs from Olympus, Canon, Pentax and Nikon followed and each had their strong and weak points.

I started digital with a D1H I purchased used from Moose Peterson and I agree the D200 was a beauty (in the capable hands of my niece now).

Really hard to pick a favorite. Sentimentally it's probably the Argus C3, Nikon FM or N90S that are still on the shelf but functionally it's either the D2X which I shot many of my favorite images with or my D5 as it's just so capable for many of my favorite subjects. That said I probably pick up my Z6 II more than any other camera for day to day uses and I expect if and when I move to a Z9, Sony A1 or similar it will likely become my new favorite but at the moment if I think I'll be shooting serious sports or wildlife I'll pick up my D5.
Nice to know there's a fellow D200 fan (and that it's still doing its job).
Most nostalgic was my Minolta XG7. It was my first decent interchangeable lens camera. I used it hard. Replaced after a few years with Nikon FE2. Have been Nikon shooter since.

My favorite camera so far; however, would have to be my Nikon D500. What a piece of equipment.
I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that outside of the D850 the D500 might be the pound for pound DSLR champ of all time.
D850......hands down!

My favorite for a specific reason is the Minolta A9 I had in 1968-1969 timeframe. I used it to take a series of B&W photos of my girlfriend. To this day they may be the best portrait shots I have ever done. My sister lost the camera, but I got the photos and the girl. We will celebrate our 50th Wedding Anniversary on December 23.

In modern days it is my most recent purchase - the Nikon D850 because it is the first SLR I have owned that actually fits my hands - great ergonomics. We will see how the Z9 feels when it arrives. In between there were many P&S and other SLRs and a Z6, but the first and the most recent are the ones I like the most.

D850, Voigtlander, FM2

Mine too. Even now that I purchased a Z9 I just can’t see myself selling it anytime soon. It is such a great camera to shoot with.
I think the D850 is the pound for pound (or dollar for dollar) DSLR champ of all time and was hands down the best camera I ever used... before the A1
In my film years my first serious camera was the Konica T4. (1977). Then I progressed to the Canon F-1N. When digital arrived I moved to Canon All-One Super Zooms . Could’t afford to get a DSLR. Other priorities. Marriage, kids, house, life. Everything on hold until retirement when I finally decided that it was time to pull the trigger. 2019 Nikon D500. My sentimental favorite was the Konica T4. But obviously my best camera is the D500.
Back in the film days - Leica IIIf, Leica M2 and Nikon FM 2. Still got the IIIf and one of my Nikon FM2s.

Digital - D300. That camera was a revelation when I got it.

I coveted a D300 for a while before umping to full frame and then dipping back to APS-C for the D500, which I loved shooting with.