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  1. shardul

    Finally a BIF

    Have been following up @Steve 's advice for settings, focusing and composing BIF for some time. On one of the safaris in India, got this BIF of Pallas's fish eagle. Not an extra ordinary shot, but I think I got this right. This was with Z8 + 180-600mm handheld. Would really appreciate...
  2. David Berry

    Chasing my shadow …

    Tidal Flats at Golden Hour … Pied Stilt : Himantopus leucocephalus 7:08 am : 31 minutes after sunrise Moreton Bay, Queensland 700 mm ƒ/10 : manual 1/2000 s : manual 5000 ISO : auto 0 EC : manual 20 frames/second
  3. David Berry

    High-Speed Tern …

    Greater Crested Tern : Thalasseus bergii
  4. David Berry

    Fancy Feathers (or not) …

    Breeding Plumage… Bar-tailed Godwit : Limosa lapponica A muddy-footed male Bar-tailed Godwit in fancy dress is clearly a bird ready to leave Queensland shores and head for the far north of the Pacific Ocean: breeding time approaches! Somehow, I botched this shoot: the first time I've taken...
  5. David Berry

    Low-level fly-past …

    Silver Gull : Dacelo novaeguineae Moreton Bay, Queensland, AU
  6. David Berry

    Get out of my way!

    Silver Gull : Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae Curlew Sandpiper : Calidris ferruginea Moreton Bay, Queensland One of our local 'seagulls' spent ten or so minutes standing amongst a few dozen refugees from arctic Siberia, and then, without any warning that I could discern, barged through the...
  7. David Berry

    Vertical Take-Off (parrot-style)

    Little Corella : Limosa lapponica Brisbane Hinterland, SE Queensland
  8. David Berry

    Splash Photography at First Light

    Twenty minutes after the sun had hauled itself above the Pacific Ocean, Bramble Bay's resident fish hawk splashed into the shallow water about a hundred and fifty metres from me to grab its first feed of the day in its deadly talons. Osprey : Pandion haliaetus Bramble Bay, Queensland 27°S...
  9. David Berry

    Catch of the Day

    Osprey with Catch … Osprey : Pandion haliaetus Moreton Bay, Queensland camera—subject: 16 metres
  10. David Berry

    Juvenile Grey Butcherbird in Flight

    Grey Butcherbird : Cracticus torquatus Ipswich, Queensland camera—subject: 22 metres
  11. David Berry

    Full speed to zero in two seconds.

    Far Eastern Curlew (endangered), Moreton Bay, Queensland, AU … Far Eastern Curlew : Numenius madagascariensis Endangered Species Moreton Bay, Queensland 27°S; 153°E Zoom map as necessary. camera—subject: 56 metres Can anyone comment on DxO's camera-to-subject calculations? … David
  12. David Berry

    Arrival of the Long-distance Flyer

    Bar-tailed Godwit : Limosa lapponica Moreton Bay, Queensland 27°S; 153°E Zoom map as necessary. camera—subject: 55 metres
  13. David Berry

    BIF : Sunrise, Mangroves, Godwits & a few Black Swans

    Bar-tailed Godwit : Himantopus leucocephalus Deception Bay : SE Queensland
  14. M

    MAD (macaw at dusk)

    Ran into this macaw right before it flew off. It was at the very end of the day, with the very last bit of daylight. It was all very quick, so there was no chance to find a nice spot with a nice background. Not sure what else to do given the high ISO (16,000)
  15. David Berry

    A scrap over… (a scrap?)

    Silver Gulls : Chroicocephalus novaehollandiae Sandgate Beach, Moreton Bay, Queensland I have no idea what these two were scrapping over (food presumably). It was just after eight in the morning, which made it far too early for every gull's favourite titbit (fish and chips) to be on the menu...
  16. David Berry

    Bar-tailed Godwits in flight…

    Bar-tailed Godwits : Moreton Bay, Queensland… Bar-tailed Godwit : Limosa lapponica Moreton Bay, Queensland In the first photo the barred tail from which this godwit receives its name is obvious. The birds rose into a moderate onshore wind — between 40 and 50 km/h — before settling in...
  17. tigger4t

    Tips for shooting diving Osprey

    I've had two sessions in an Osprey hide recently and while I can get tack sharp shots before the dive and when the bird comes out of the water, sharp focus of the actual dive has eluded me 9 times out of 10. The birds are anything from 35 to 80 feet away and I'm shooting with a D850 and 300mm...
  18. David Berry

    Little Tern & the Moon

    Eyes on the prize … Little Tern : Sternula albifrons Moreton Bay, Queensland : 27ºS 153ºE camera—subject : 15 metres
  19. David Berry

    Silver Gull in Flight

    Silver Gull : Chroicocephalus novaehollandia New Zealand, New Caledonia, Australia (including away from sea) distance from camera: 33 metres speed: ~40 km/h
  20. David Berry

    In a pale blue sky…

    Australian Gull-billed Tern… Australian Gull-billed Tern (non-breeding plumage) Brisbane, Australia