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  1. V

    Black-winged kite

    Love it when birds are cooperating :) This black-winged kite surely did during the drive in Serengeti, Tanzania.
  2. Ken Miracle

    Close to home birding walk testing Z9 FW 5.1 and Z600 f/4 TC

    12-17-24 I took a quick birding walk to Parkcenter Park where there is a creek and pond 5 minutes from my front door. I wanted to check things out after updating Z9 firmware to 5.10. Some of birds encountered. Wood Duck, Hooded Merganser, Canada Geese and a Song Sparrow deep in the brush and...
  3. Juliette

    Nikon Next Steps

    Hello, I previously posted here about camera choices and got some great feedback and now I'm looking for some help again. First, a little background: I have shot a variety of camera bodies since I was a kid in the 70s, 80s and 90s with film and still shoot film today along with street...
  4. BlackRockArt

    Love Is In The Air

    As winter's embrace tightens, a remarkable event unfolds in our local pond – the arrival of the sandhill cranes. These avian giants, known for their distinctive calls and majestic stature, transform the landscape into a theater of natural wonder. A couple of weeks ago, on a brisk morning, with...
  5. BlackRockArt

    A Mother's Instinct

    Here around the Bay, the breeding season for many wading birds would have typically finished by now. However, I guess the unusually long rainy season has shifted the pattern. Yesterday afternoon, while sauntering near the shoreline trails, I heard the rapid calls of a black-necked stilt. As I...
  6. solaner

    Eagle owl

  7. Ado Wolf

    Focal length for Birding? Upgrade from 200-500mm

    I know this may be a provokative question to ask.. that might stir up debates.. but here goes: I am looking for an upgrade for my 200-500mm. It is sharp and versatile, but not suitable for long hikes (heavy / front end heavy). For mammals (deer, fox, wild bore) I happily use my 300 PF. I...
  8. Sarajit

    Indian/Oriental White Eye

    Indian / Oriental White Eye. Nikon d500 with Nikkor 200-500. Shot in Bangalore, India