owls of the world

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  1. cr_wildlife

    A laser-focused Great Gray Owl takes off after prey

    As I have said before, Great Gray Owls are popular subjects for wildlife photographers. They are relatively unperturbed by the presence of small groups of people, so we get to see images of them perched, in flight, in flight with food, at nest, feeding their nestlings and fledglings, nestlings...
  2. cr_wildlife

    A Great Grey Owl flies with a vole in its beak as food for one of its fledglings.

    Great Grey Owls are one of the longest owl species, However, they are not among rhe heavier owls, as much of their apparent bulk is feathers, needed for insulation in their large far northern range. After the owlets have fledged, the female leaves, and the nale is respntfir raising the...
  3. cr_wildlife

    A Great Gray Owlet caught out in the rain

    While I have said that my favorite subjects for my wildlife photography are parrots in the wild, I have surprised myself by finding other subjects that I really like. Amongst these subjects are raptors, especially falcons and owls. So here is a photo of a Great Gray Owl juvenile that was...